How To Buy

How to make order?
Dear valued customers, what you have to do is just click the " add to cart" button from the wall. After that, the shopping cart will show you the quantity and price of goods that you have added to the cart. From there, you can increase or decrease the quantity that you want to purchase.

How to make payment?
There are 2 options available for you to make the payment which is Email checkout and Paypal checkout.

A.) Email Checkout(Bank Transfer):

1. Click on the "Email Checkout" button to proceed to the payment.
2. An email is created once you have click the button. Inside the email, there is a list of goods that you have added to the shopping cart.
3. Kindly write down your name(buyer's name), contact number and shipping address at the bottom of the email before you send to us.
4. Bank transfer.
5.Once you have transfer the payment, send the bank receipt and a notification to us trough email.
6. Goods that you have purchase will ship out within 24hours after we have receive your payment.

* Free shipping for Peninsular Malaysia (For more details on shipping fee for East Malaysia, kindly contact us)

B.) Paypal Checkout:

1. Click on the "Paypal Checkout" button and make the payment on Paypal directly.
2. Once you have made the payment, send the receipt and a notification to us trough email. Kindly included your name, contact number and shipping address.
3. Goods will ship out within 24hours after we have receive your payment.

* Free shipping for Peninsular Malaysia (For more details on shipping fee for East Malaysia, kindly contact us)

Terns and Conditions
-Orders cannot be canceled once processed and delivered.


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